Buy OtoSimple II
Buy an OtoSimple II

Recommended for the senior population.

25 db HL pure tones and 40 db HL pulsing tones

500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz tones

Quantity 1-4:
$149.00 + $15 shipping and handling (USA Only)

There are additional charges for international customers. Please call 1-801-523-2453 before placing an order on this website

When checking out, select the "Don't have a PayPal account ?" option to check out using a credit card.

Quantity Discounts

Quantity 5:
$595.00 + $20 shipping and handling (USA Only)

Quantity 10:
$1050.00 + $40 shipping and handling (USA Only)

Quantity 25:
$2475.00 + $75 shipping and handling (USA Only)

OtoSimple II $149.00

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